September 11, 2023

What's the Science Behind Feeling Secure Under Blankets?

The science behind feeling secure under blankets has to do with the release of oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone that helps us to feel safe and secure. When we feel threatened, our bodies release oxytocin in order to help us cope with the stress. Oxytocin is also known as the "cuddle hormone" because it is released when we hug, touch, or sit close to someone else.

Child sitting on couch with weighted blanket

Feeling secure under a blanket is something many relate to. But why does this bring comfort? The science behind it may shock you!

Our bodies release oxytocin when we curl up. Oxytocin is called the 'cuddle hormone'. This hormone makes us feel warm, safe, and bonded. Our brains interpret physical 'holding' as a sign of safety.

Blankets also trigger a relaxation response in our bodies. This is due to the pressure against our skin, which activates the parasympathetic nervous system. This helps regulate heart rate and gives us calmness and relaxation.

Blankets create boundaries and our own personal space. We can escape the outside world and feel protected. This harkens back to our primal instincts for safety and shelter.

So next time you need comfort, don't underestimate a blanket. It's not only about warmth. It's creating an environment where you can feel safe. So go ahead, snuggle up and let the science of security, wrapped in a comfortable embrace, take you to a place of tranquility and peace.

The Comfort of Blankets

Blankets offer more than physical comfort - they can bring psychological benefits too! Being wrapped in a warm and cozy blanket can make us feel secure - this is an instinct from our primal days when we used blankets for protection from the elements.

These blankets trigger the release of calming hormones like serotonin and oxytocin, helping to reduce stress levels. The warmth and weight of a blanket also help to relax muscles and improve blood circulation for better sleep.

Maximize the comfort of your blankets with these tips:

  1. Choose natural fibers like cotton or wool for breathability.
  2. Experiment with different weights.
  3. Layer multiple blankets for added warmth.
  4. Practice mindfulness exercises.
  5. Create a comforting environment.

Let your trusty blanket companions wrap you in a soothing embrace - it's not just about physical warmth, but creating a safe space for your mind and body.

The Science Behind Feeling Secure

A sensation like no other, feeling secure under blankets has a scientific explanation. Oxytocin, the "love hormone," is released when our brains react to the physical pressure and warmth of being tucked in. This triggers a feeling of safety and relaxation.

Our brains are designed to seek comfort and protection. Wrapping ourselves in blankets mimics the feeling of being held or embraced. This is known as "deep touch pressure." It stimulates the nervous system, reducing anxiety and raising serotonin levels - the chemical responsible for regulating mood and promoting well-being.

To get the most out of this calming experience, try weighted blankets. These provide even more deep touch pressure. Also, create a sleep environment with low lighting, soothing sounds or music, and pleasant aromas like lavender or chamomile.

By understanding the science and implementing these suggestions, you can tap into the power of sensory stimulation. Get ready for an extra dose of tranquility - snuggle up under those covers tonight!

Benefits of Feeling Secure Under Blankets

Feeling snug under your blankets offers numerous advantages for your well-being.

  • First, it provides a sense of safety and comfort. That feeling originates from our childhood when we sought security in our parents' embrace. The softness and warmth of the blanket mimic that comforting sensation, reducing tension and promoting rest.
  • Plus, it gives a physical buffer from outside disturbances. It forms a personal sanctuary, shielding us from the world's noise and distractions. As a result, uninterrupted sleep is possible, enabling us to enter deep REM cycles for ultimate rest and refreshment.
  • Lastly, it boosts our emotional state. As humans, we naturally long for connection and touch. Blankets give us that tactile experience, which imitates being hugged or held. This gentle pressure triggers the release of oxytocin, the "cuddle hormone," raising trust, love, and joy.

But there's an often overlooked detail: choice. By picking your favorite blanket, you customize your sleeping environment to your own exact taste. This autonomy empowers us to make a space ideal for relaxation and security.

So don't miss out on these amazing benefits of feeling secure under blankets and enjoy the unparalleled ease it brings every night.

Remember - a good night's sleep is within your reach; all you need is the perfect blanket!

Why settle for a security blanket when you can have a security fortress?

Factors Affecting the Feeling of Security

Creating a secure environment is essential for our wellbeing. There are several factors that contribute to our feeling of security. Let's explore these factors in a table:

Factor Description
Physical Comfort Having a comfortable space to rest and relax plays a significant role.
Familiar Surroundings Being in familiar places reduces anxiety.
Personal Safety Knowing that one's safety is not compromised adds to the feeling of security.
Emotional Support Receiving support from loved ones provides reassurance and strengthens security.
Trustworthy Relationships Building trust with individuals who respect and care for us contributes to our security.

Other details to consider are having control of our environment and establishing routines. These can both help enhance our feeling of security. Here are some suggestions to improve it:

  1. Enhance Physical Comfort: Invest in cozy bedding for sleep or relaxation.
  2. Create Familiar Spaces: Decorate with items that remind you of happy memories.
  3. Prioritize Personal Safety: Install reliable locks, burglar alarms, or surveillance systems. Additionally, practice personal safety in public places.
  4. Seek Emotional Support: Develop relationships with family and friends who offer emotional support.
  5. Foster Trustworthy Relationships: Surround yourself with trustworthy individuals who provide a sense of security.

By following these suggestions, we can create an environment that positively impacts our feelings of security. Feeling secure is essential for our mental wellbeing and leads to a fulfilling life.

Additional Strategies for Creating Security

Be physically secure and more! Implement strategies to boost feelings of safety. Here are some effective techniques:

  1. Surround yourself with supportive, trusted people.
  2. Establish a daily routine for structure and stability.
  3. Create a safe physical environment with locks, alarms, and security systems.
  4. Engage in self-care activities like exercise, meditation, and journaling.
  5. Seek professional help or therapy to address fear and anxiety.

Everybody's needs for security are unique. Past experiences, vulnerabilities, and cultural influences shape how we perceive safety. Understanding these nuances helps tailor our approach in creating a secure environment.

Security is a personal journey. Invest in your wellbeing and take steps to nurture yourself emotionally and psychologically. Incorporate these strategies into your life - it's worth it! Take action today and make your wellbeing a priority. Embrace feeling safe and secure beneath the comforting embrace of blankets - both metaphorically and literally! And don't forget, blankets are the best security system - keeping you warm and monsters away! Sweet dreams!


Feeling safe and secure under blankets is not only pleasant, but it also has a scientific basis. The pressure and weight of the blankets can activate the calming response of the nervous system, reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation. This is also known as Deep Touch Pressure Stimulation (DTPS). It can have a major effect on sleep quality and overall wellbeing.

Studies show that those who use weighted blankets report better sleep and less anxiety and insomnia symptoms. The gentle pressure from these blankets stimulates the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which bring about feelings of contentment and calmness. This can be especially helpful for those with Sensory Processing Disorders or conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Moreover, the feeling of being enveloped under blankets can simulate being hugged, triggering the release of oxytocin - the "bonding hormone". Oxytocin is linked to feelings of trust and security, increasing the sense of calmness and wellbeing.

Moreover, the warmth from blankets can provide a sense of security. The rise in body temperature can produce feelings of ease and comfort, making it simpler to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. That's why many people find it hard to sleep when they are cold.

Pro Tip: To maximize the advantages of feeling secure under blankets, pick weighted blankets that are around 10% of your body weight for the best DTPS and utmost comfort.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Why do we feel more secure under blankets?

A1: Feeling secure under blankets is rooted in our primal instincts. The pressure applied by the weight of the blankets stimulates the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that contributes to a feeling of safety and relaxation.

Q2: Does feeling secure under blankets have a scientific explanation?

A2: Yes, it does. The theory behind feeling secure under blankets is based on the concept of deep pressure stimulation. This pressure triggers the release of hormones like serotonin and oxytocin, promoting feelings of security and reducing stress.

Q3: Why do weighted blankets contribute to a sense of security?

A3: Weighted blankets provide a consistent and evenly distributed deep pressure that mimics a gentle hug. This activates the release of serotonin, which can help decrease anxiety and create a calming effect, ultimately enhancing feelings of security.

Q4: Are there any scientific benefits to feeling secure under blankets?

A4: Yes, feeling secure under blankets can have various benefits. It can help reduce anxiety, enhance relaxation, promote better sleep quality, and even alleviate symptoms of certain mental health conditions such as anxiety disorders or sensory processing disorders.

Q5: Is feeling secure under blankets similar to swaddling in infants?

A5: Yes, feeling secure under blankets shares similarities with the concept of swaddling in infants. Both involve the application of gentle pressure, which can evoke a sense of security by activating the release of feel-good hormones.

Q6: Can feeling secure under blankets help with insomnia?

A6: Yes, feeling secure under blankets can potentially aid in managing insomnia. The deep pressure stimulation from blankets can promote relaxation, decrease racing thoughts, and create a comfortable sleep environment, which may improve sleep quality and duration.